
  • -This refers to the clear adhesive bandage applied by your artist.
    -Initial bandage stays on for 3-5 days, the longer the better

    -Bandage is waterproof and can be worn while showering/swimming/working out, but continuous exposure to water and/or sweat can cause it to loosen. It is recommended to keep the bandage dry for the first 24hrs after application to let the adhesive set.
    -Depending on the size and amount of shading in your tattoo, there will be a moderate amount of fluid build up under the bandage. This is normal and expected. This fluid is made up of plasma, white blood cells, and residual ink. This will dry up after the first 24-48hrs and will peel off with the bandage. It may look like you’re “peeling off” your tattoo, but you’re just seeing the dried ink and dead skin that’s coming off with the bandage.
    -There may be a small amount of leakage out of the bandage on large tattoos. If this occurs, you can place a piece of medical tape over the leaky area until it dries up. As long as the bandage isn’t peeling off and exposing your tattoo, leave it on.
    -Remove after 4-5 days but no longer than 7 days. Soaking in warm water will help loosen the adhesive if it’s difficult to remove.
    -You may notice a slight irritation/redness around the edges of where the bandage was, this is usually caused by the adhesive irritating the skin and pulling on the skin surrounding the tattoo and will usually go away after a few days if it occurs.
    -After the bandage is removed, wash your tattoo with antibacterial soap (Dial is recommended), pat dry, and apply an unscented moisturiser 2-3 times/day. If you have residual adhesive on your skin you can gently massage the area with coconut oil, baby oil, or olive oil to remove.
    -Tattoo will still be peeling, flaky, bumpy, and in the later stages of the healing process when the bandage comes off. It is important to moisturise frequently for the next 2-3 weeks. It’s rare but if scabbing does occur, do not pick or try to remove the scabs. Dab the scabby area with a small amount of aquaphor or A&D ointment and moisturise the surrounding tattoo as normal until healed.

  • -A temporary bandage will be applied at the shop. This bandage can be removed after a few hours or as otherwise directed by me.
    -After removing temporary bandage, wash your tattoo with antibacterial soap (Dial is recommended), pat dry, and apply a thin layer of ointment (not lotion or coconut oil). Aquaphor or A&D ointment are recommended. Do NOT apply antibiotic ointment, even if you think your tattoo might be infected. Consult with your artist and a doctor before applying any kind of medicated ointment.
    -Wash your tattoo 2-3 times daily (showering is ok, NO swimming or baths) and apply ointment every 1-2hrs for the first 4-5 days. You do not want your tattoo to dry out or scab.
    -After 4-5 days you can switch from ointment to unscented lotion several times a day and just washing once daily.
    -Tattoo will be flaky, peeling, and bumpy for the next 2-3 weeks, it is important to moisturise often during this phase.